Why do dentists recommend choosing zirconia all-ceramic teeth?


Why do dentists recommend choosing zirconia all-ceramic teeth?

A hospital received an emergency call of an adult male who was in deep coma due to craniocervical trauma and required surgery. A preoperative magnetic resonance imaging was required. It was found that her teeth 4 and 5 were metal crowns, which affected the quality of the magnetic resonance imaging and needed to be removed. However, due to the trachea Intubation is not allowed on the dental chair. Why do dentists recommend choosing zirconia all-ceramic teeth? Next, let’s take you through it!

Before the patient undergoes an MRI examination, all metal objects must be removed from the body. Do not wear magnetic items such as watches, metal necklaces, dentures, metal buttons, metal contraceptive rings, etc. for MRI examination. In addition, magnetic resonance imaging cannot be performed if a patient wears a pacemaker or has paramagnetic metal implants in the body, such as metal clips, stents, steel plates, and screws.

Impeding magnetic resonance = unable to save lives immediately!

Every second counts!

Therefore, when most dental patients choose between metal braces and all-ceramic braces, most doctors will suggest that materials that do not affect magnetic resonance, CT, or X-rays should be preferred.

The most reliable choice - zirconium dioxide all-ceramic teeth

Today I will tell you about zirconia all-ceramic teeth.

Why is it recommended to have zirconium dioxide all-ceramic teeth?

For a long time, porcelain teeth have been a quick and effective way to repair teeth.

However, the metal ions in metal porcelain teeth will have adverse reactions on the human body, such as gum blackening, gum bleeding and shrinkage, etc...

Due to the existence of metal crowns, the light transmittance, color and shape are greatly different from natural teeth, and will produce a bluish-gray effect under light.

At the same time, metal-ceramic teeth are unstable under the action of bacteria in the acid-base environment of the liquid oral cavity, and the metal has certain interference during CT MRI.

Therefore, the dental medical community has been working hard to change this situation. Currently, the latest type of porcelain teeth without metal crowns - the zirconia all-ceramic series - is popular in the international dental community.

The edges of metal porcelain teeth turn black▼

Zirconia all-ceramic teeth are more natural▲


Is it safe?

Zirconia used in medical and dental applications has excellent performance in terms of biological safety.

Over the years, a large number of experiments and clinical cases have proven that zirconia has no toxic damage to bone and soft tissue cells, and no allergic reactions have been reported.

1. Zirconia is sometimes mistaken for a metal

This is confusing the chemical concepts of metallic elements and metals. Zirconia is not zirconium metal or zircon. Although it contains metallic elements, it is an oxide ceramic. This is like the difference between sodium chloride (the chemical component of table salt) and metallic sodium.

2. Some people are worried about whether zirconium oxide is radioactive

In fact, zircon derived from zirconia needs to go through multiple steps such as purification and powder processing. The processing will remove all impurities.

The standards of the State Food and Drug Administration have strict standards for all ceramic materials on the market. They can only be used as medical materials if they meet the requirements of radioactive experiments.

And there are not only requirements for zirconia, but also for decorative porcelain, alumina, glass ceramics, etc., there are the same radioactive qualification requirements.

Experiments show that the radioactivity of pure zirconia powder is not only lower than that of glass ceramics, but even lower than that of human bone tissue.

Zirconia restoration

3. Is the porcelain chipping rate high?

A large number of studies have shown that the incidence of chipping of zirconia is not as high as that of traditional porcelain restorations. Studies have found that the chipping of zirconia mainly occurs inside the veneer rather than at the interface between the veneer and the zirconia-based crown.

There are three main reasons for the occurrence of porcelain collapse:

The shape of the crown is poorly designed and the porcelain decoration on the local surface is too thick;

When the porcelain is fired, the temperature is not controlled according to the standard, such as rapid cooling;

The doctor did not perform reasonable treatment after adjusting the jaw, such as re-glazing and sintering, or standard three-step polishing... These are all necessary steps.

(The above three reasons can be completely avoided as long as you choose a regular hospital and an experienced doctor. You can rest assured!)

